Frequently Asked Questions

Before booking your appointment at AWC Centers, you might have additional questions.Here are some frequently asked questions:

General Questions

What services does AWC Centers offer?

AWC Centers offers services for both men and women in caring for their sexual and mental health needs. Our current services are testing and treating sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. We also offer individuals and couples counseling topics like relationship issues, anxiety, depression, emotional instability, self-esteem issues, sexual abuse, sexual assault, crisis pregnancy, and post-abortion counseling. As well as providing free pregnancy tests and first-trimester ultrasounds for women in the early stages of pregnancy.

How much do your services cost?

AWC Centers doesn’t charge for the care provided to clients. No insurance information will be requested and no hidden fees will be charged after your services.

What if I don’t have insurance?

No insurance, no problem! AWC Centers services are FREE! You won’t be asked for insurance information when booking or checking in for your appointment.

Can my partner come to my appointment?

Of course! Please feel free to invite your partner, family member or friend with you to your appointment. A team member will be here with you each step of the way to help provide insights and information as you take tests, get results or have questions. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the conversations, we kindly recommend that you not bring children with you to the appointment.

Pregnancy Questions

When should I take a pregnancy test?

When to take a pregnancy test depends on a few factors like the sensitivity of the test and your menstrual cycle. Some early signs of pregnancy can be:

  • A missed period
  • Breast changes
  • Light bleeding
  • Cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Food aversions or cravings
  • Changes in bathroom habits
  • Mood change
If I am pregnant, when can I get an ultrasound?

At AWC Centers, we will confirm your pregnancy with a test prior to your ultrasound. After your positive pregnancy test, you’ll be booked for a free first trimester ultrasound with one of our medical team members. When completing your ultrasound, you will learn information like

I am pregnant, what are my options?

Learning you’re pregnant can bring a wave of emotions! You have several options and the team at AWC Centers will be here to help you navigate through each option you have: parenthood, adoption, or abortion.

What are the risks of an abortion?


STI Testing & Treatment Questions

What types of sexually transmitted infection (STI) do you test for?

AWC Centers provides FREE testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI). All appointments include both chlamydia and gonorrhea. And with our partnership with San Antonio Metro Health we offer monthly extensive testing like HIV and syphilis.